Teeth look yellow when the white enamel is worn down, causing it to become translucent. Another way your teeth lose their whiteness is through drinking coffee, tea, red wine and eating curries.
Have you thought about Implants?
Do you struggle to eat the foods you enjoy? Dental Implants are the best way to replace missing teeth making it easy to chew and eat your favorite foods again. For more information, click on the link or call us on 0208 686 3954 to book a free consultation (registered patients only)
Did you know!!
FACT: One can of full fat fizzy drink can contain up to 10-12 teaspoons of sugar. The recommended daily dietary intake of sugar is 4 teaspoons. Make sure you watch what you drink!
What are your thoughts?
Pizzas, ready meals and savoury snacks could be forced to shrink to allow a 20% calorie reduction in an attempt to reduce childhood obesity, according to the Public Health England. Do you think this will help or is a step too far?
Are your children picky eaters…
Children who are picky eaters still grow up to be healthy according to new research from University of Bristol. So it may not be time to throw in the towel if the peas end up all over the kitchen floor. click here to read more!
What do you think?
We’ve all heard that people say that healthy food is much more expensive than junk! The University of Dundee prove this doesn’t have to be the case! It doesn’t have to be all avocados and cavelo nero to enjoy healthy foods on an affordable budget. Read more here by the Conversation.com!
Here is an interesting read…
When a newborn baby smiles- is it a reflex or is it a real smile? Recent research, highlighted by University o fDundee is starting to challenge the textbooks and highlight that there could be social meaning behind their cheeky grins. Click here to read more by the Conversation.com!
Happy 1st of May 2019… Have a great month!
Do you suffer from “office cake culture?”
Do you often find cakes, sweets and biscuits at your work place? BBC news has informed us that the Office cake culture is a major danger to our health! Clear here and read why we need to call it quits and make our work places a healthier environment!
Did you know we are open on Saturdays!!
give us a call to book in with Dr Lalani Or Dr Abhi 0208 686 3954!